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Nissin is great, isn't it? I love the cheeses and breads there too, and I used to go there to get lamb cutlets whenever I was craving them.
That looks like a great dinner - snacky meals are my favourite kind.


How fortunate you are to have not only the best of Japan, but plenty of import shops to find other "worldly" goods!!!!! Where else in the world????


Nice post. You gotta love the Simpson's bottle opener!!!


This bottle opener looks totaly american to me :) Where did you get it from?


Suzy, it's a great place and I'm sorry it took me so long to find it!

Carlyn, I do think I'm lucky but I won't be satisfied until I find a place in Tokyo that sells perogies and Jamaican patties...

Andy and Mone, nice catch. This talking bottle opener was a Christmas present from my Mom years ago. When you open a bottle Homer Simpson says "Mmmmm, beeeer...." and a bunch of other stuff, finishing with a "Woohoo!" Gotta love Homer.

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